Sunday, October 3, 2010

My Dog Ate 5 Socks

     Well, I am up early on a Sunday morning, trying to get progress reports done, essays graded, and caught up on my online class. I think maybe I should have gotten up at 3:00 in stead of 5:30. It's nice and quiet; everyone else is still cozy and sleeping. Even the dog. 
     I have not run for 4 nights and it is killing me. I pulled a muscle somewhere in my upper thigh, kind of into my hip. It's not healing very quickly and I've been icing it. I ran anyway the first night after I pulled it and I really shouldn't have, so I am trying to be good. But I am afraid when I do run I won't be able to even go a mile without stopping. I tried to run a little in the back field last night, just to test it out, and it was painful. I think once I got going, it would maybe not hurt, but I'm pretty sure I would be doing more damage. Interesting that as much as I ran when I was younger, I never pulled a muscle. :-(
     It was been an interesting week. But in the back of my mind right now is the fact that I am writing this directly on my blog and I will probably get interrupted soon, and it will disappear, so I am going to pause my writing, cut and paste it to NeoOffice, and then continue... 
     So I had been estimating that I was doing about a 12 minute mile. Yesterday I measured my route (with the kids on the car saying,”Where are you going Mom? This isn't the way home.”) I thought I had been doing 2.5 miles, but it is actually 2.8; so on my best night, I did a 10:42 mile. Of course, by the time I finally run again, it will probably be a 20 minute mile.
     So not much to report on the running side of my life this week. The dog however....
Well, to make a long story short, Jake wasn't eating much on Monday, threw up a sock on Tuesday, threw up 3 more on Tuesday night, pooped out one last one on Wednesday night, and seems to be doing fine now. That's a total of 5 socks. I don't know what else is in that belly of his, but he does seem to be back to his old self, so we are happy.
     The kids had a good week. Brodie got Terrific Kid on Friday and I finally got a good picture of it. My camera takes horrible pictures in that gym, but I was up front and close this time. I will see if I can post the picture to my blog. And Jill spent the night at a friend's house Friday night and made it through the night. No midnight phone call to come get her, which makes me happy and sad at the same time. Kids have a soccer game today at 1:00. Brodie is playing and Jill is the “assistant coach”. She loves telling little kids what to do.
     Steve is well. Oh wait, I will cut and paste my Facebook status to give you a flavor of life with Steve (Of course this is going to be dangerous, opening my Facebook.....I may not be back for a while) OK, here it is:
This is what I heard this morning: Steve-"Good bye Jake". Steve in a dumb doggie kind of voice-"Yup, bye Steve. Have a good day. You're my best friend." haha, I love my husband and I hope he never grows up!
My online class is going horribly and it's my own fault. It's an incredible class and I am really messing it up. But I am going to go write my reflection assignment for that to try to figure out, as I reflect, what I can do differently.
Oh, one last thing, if I lose 8 more pounds, I will have lost a whole Brodie. And I bought a pair of pants on Monday that were the next size down. 
Have a good Sunday everyone!


  1. First-did you know you can just stop typing in blogger and it will save it as a draft. Then the next time you log in, you can go to the draft and finish it? I have about 5 drafts I need to finish!
    The dog-awww....dogs keep us in stitches. My dogs have ate their fair share of items that were not food and yesterday one rolled in a pile of poop and I was bathing her at 6:00. Why do they do that???
    Great job on the running. Sorry about the injury. Take care of it before getting back at it. I'm going for a run (jog) today and will increase my distance. I am up to 5 miles again!

  2. How do I edit a comment-yikes. I see I wrote: My dogs have ate...
    But I don't know how to edit.
